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How To Sleep More Soundly, Part 1

Do You Wake Feeling Groggy?

Do You Feel As Though No Matter How Many Hours You Sleep It’s Never Enough? You May Not Be Getting Enough Magnesium.

Aside from poor sleeping patterns, other symptoms of low magnesium intake include frequent muscle cramping, chronic pain, poor sleep, frequent headaches, occasional facial tics, and disrupted hormone balance.

How Much Magnesium Do You Need?

The recommended daily allowance for adults is between 320 -420 mg. One U.S. Population study showed that of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) less than 30 % of the population are consuming the RDA, and less than 20 % are getting even half of the RDA.

How Do You Get Magnesium?

Magnesium can be found in lots of green leafy vegetables as well as nuts seeds and legumes, and whole minimally processed grains. In general foods that contain good dietary fiber contain magnesium. But for many of us we are simply to consuming the right foods to ensure a balance of all the minerals our body needs. Add to that the simple fact that non-organic soils are largely deplete of rich minerals we expect our food to have naturally. Even organic soils contain much less minerals than the nutrient dense foods of years past.

Why Is Magnesium So Important?

Magnesium aids more that 300 enzyme processes in the body, just a few of which include blood glucose control, muscle and nerve function, and blood pressure regulation. Magnesium also plays an important role in transporting calcium and potassium particles which is vital to processes such as muscle contraction and nerve impulse conduction and normal heart rhythm. But what if your diet alone is not giving your body what it needs? Are you convinced you need Magnesium?

You Want More Magnesium In Your Diet For 4 Simple Reasons:

1. It promotes better sleep. When our bodies are deficient in Magnesium the hormone melatonin that regulates sleep is disturbed. In addition stress hormones can be brought into balance with added magnesium, and reduced stress certainly aids sleep.

2. It aids in the strengthening of muscles. Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) is a major factor in the strength of muscles. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which is known as the storehouse for cell energy, is aided by Magnesium.

3. It helps to maintain a balanced nervous system. Serotonin is responsible for relaxing our nerves an balancing our mood and it depends on Magnesium for healthy production.

4. It promotes flexibility. Low magnesium levels can cause a build p of lactic acid which causes pain and tightness in the muscles. Without optimum magnesium levels, muscles do not properly relax and cramps can result. Adding magnesium aids tight muscles.

Alternative Health Tips And Treatment At Terry Chiropractic In Boulder

Terry Chiropractic offers an array of alternative medicine options, including nutritional counseling. Nutritional excess and nutritional deficiency can lead to many chronic diseases. Dietary guidance and Nutritional Supplementation can assist the body in balancing it’s nutritional needs. At Terry Chiropractic in Boulder we take complete care of our patients. Make an appointment today.

Terry Chiropractic Boulder

The team at TCB creates a smooth experience to hlep you identify your problems and create a solution to help you overcome any health struggles. The in depth examination, full spine analysis, use of radiographic imaging, and extensive treatment will help unleash the energy inside the body to heal and be happy.

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