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Increase Your Flexibility With Safe Stretching – Part 2

Increasing your flexibility starts with a committed fitness routine. The number one way to begin a plan to increase flexibility is to commit to get your body moving regularly. Once you have your routine in place and you are following the 3 simple steps to increase flexibility, you are ready to get specific with your flexibility plan! Now it’s time to begin stretching in targeted ways to increase your flexibility.

As we mentioned before not every form of “stretching” is safe. Always avoid bouncing movements, and movements that require exaggerated ranges of motions. Never take your muscle beyond what is a “comfortable” stretch. It should never be painful. In general asking your muscles to flex a little more will require a little push beyond what you are used to, but never push to the point of pain.

2 Safe Types Of Stretches

Dynamic and Static stretching are the 2 types of stretching you want to focus on in order to increase your flexibility and prevent injury.

Dynamic Stretching

Uses motion and is intended to mimic your daily movement. Dynamic stretching should always be done before static stretching. Here are 2 simple ideas or dynamic stretching.

1. The Inchworm: Position yourself as if ready for a push-up, then slowly walk your legs up “inching” closer to to your hands, until you get your legs as close to your hands as you can without causing strain.

2. The Clock Swing: Brace yourself against the wall with your arms with feet together. Alternately swing your leg to the outside and upwards as far as you can comfortably swing it, gently bring it back down not allowing it to jolt down.

Static Stretching

Should only be done after a workout is complete because it can pose a considerable risk to tight or “cold” muscles. Here are 2 ideas for gentle static stretching.

1. Shoulder stretch: Stretch your arm out fully extended across your body reaching toward the opposite direction. With the opposite arm, press gently, at the point of the elbow, towards your chest and hold for 5 -10 seconds, slowly increasing the time of the hold with each repetition.

2. Hamstring Stretch: Sitting with your legs spread apart, gently reach toward one foot without bouncing your upper body to extend your reach. Simply reach forward with both arms toward your foot and when you feel you’ve reached your point of resistance stop and hold there for 5-10 seconds gradually increasing the time of the hold with each repetition.

Terry Chiropractic Works To Maintain Your Flexibility And Prevent Future Injury!

At Terry Chiropractic we specialize in various forms of alternative medicine including Applied Kinesiology. Our aim with Applied Kinesiology is to maintain your full range of motion and flexibility by formulated a place targeting the muscle groups you find the most difficulty with. The Professionals at Terry Chiropractic will work discover the weak muscle group and then customize a treatment plan. Call to schedule an appointment today!

Terry Chiropractic Boulder

The team at TCB creates a smooth experience to hlep you identify your problems and create a solution to help you overcome any health struggles. The in depth examination, full spine analysis, use of radiographic imaging, and extensive treatment will help unleash the energy inside the body to heal and be happy.